Monday, January 19, 2009

How to Lose Weight Naturally

Let's face it, there are more of us that need to lose weight than do not. Losing weight is truly one of the toughest things to do. It takes determination, dedication, and self-control. There are so many ads out there for miracle pills, and other schemes that claim losing a lot of weight in a short period of time without exercising. Those are scams. Weight loss can happen in a more natural way, you just need to understand how to go about it.
First of all, talk to your doctor or dietitian to find out what a healthy weight should be for you so you can start to set goals for yourself to know where you need to be. Once you understand the weight you should be to maintain your health, there are some tips that can help you get there.
The key thought when you start your road to losing weight is that it will not happen overnight. You did not gain all that weight overnight, so don't expect to lose it that quickly either.
Here are some tips to get you in the right direction:
Drinks. There are a variety of different drinks out there that we all love. I personally love my diet sodas. Although they are diet, it doesn't mean that they are great for you. Diet sodas tend to make you crave sweets and, to be honest, I have talked to someone who works for a soft drink company and he told me that there are calories in these sodas, despite what the nutrition label says. I would stick to drinking water; if you don't like the taste f plain water there are true 0 calorie" flavored waters that you can try. Remember when you are hungry, you are actually thirsty so try to follow the 8 glasses of water routine on a daily basis.
Portions. It is best to minimize your portions of each meal that you consume. There was a time when I was eating 3 full bowls of cereal in the morning; that is crazy! Start to measure your foods and try and eat 5 meals a day. A small breakfast, a decent lunch, a healthy snack, a decent dinner, and then another healthy snack will do you a lot of good.
Eat Slowly. I can't emphasize this enough. You ever eat a big meal so fast that you still feel hungry? That is because your brain hasn't been sent the message that you are full. Eat slowly so your brain catches up to what is going in. You will feel fuller faster and it will go a long way.
Eat to Live, Don't Live to Eat. Start to keep your brain moving at home and at work. Keep busy. Start some new hobbies. These things will keep you from obsessing over eating. A lot of people think about food a lot, and that is usually because their minds are not pre-occupied with anything that is productive. If you feel yourself thinking about food soon after a meal, chew a piece of gum, go for a walk, do a crossword puzzle, but retrain your brain!
Fruits and Veggies. Repeat..Fruits and Veggies. Not much else to say here but go in your closet, throw out all the chips and cookies and donuts and replace them with your favorite fruits and vegetables and make sure you eat 5 servings a day. Not only is it healthy to eat, it will help you feel full thanks to the water content.
Treat Yourself for a Job Well Done. I am not going to tell you to go nuts, but part of the process of continuing to dedicate yourself to losing weight is to reward yourself. It doesn't hurt once a week after you have been committed to maybe have that small piece of cake as a reward. Just don't overdo it.
EXERCISE! OK so I had to yell that one out. People, you have to exercise. If you haven't been following an exercise regimen for a while, start one. One thing I did a few years ago because I was having back pains because of the weight I gained was to go bowling. 3 games of bowling is the equivalent of walking about a mile and you will have fun doing it (plus you can sit in between turns to rest that back). After a while I started walking. First 20 minutes a day until I was able to walk a full 60 minutes a day. Don't kill yourself right away but gradually work your way up to that 60 minute mark.
Weight Training. I am not asking you to build mass muscle, but add some weight training into your routine. I like to use ankle and wrist weights while I walk. That is a great start. Join a gym and work out lightly, but work out. Great Tip: If you start a weight training routine, lift the weights first then do your walking; you will burn more calories that way.
Last But Not Least.. You Will Fall Off the Horse From Time to Time. So brush yourself off and get back on. We all slip from time to time, it is natural. Just recognize it, don't beat yourself up for it, and get back on track tomorrow.

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