Monday, December 22, 2008

Weight Loss Without Starvation

Many people try and lose weight by starving themselves. This could not be more counter-productive or detrimental to health. The body is designed to survive. When we starve our bodies of food, it stops burning any excess fat in order to survive for as long as possible. This means, while initially losing some weight, the body will refuse to burn all excess fat as it is stored to survive. Not only will the body stop burning excess fat, it will almost shut down to conserve energy. This can have a negative impact on the health of individuals to the point where they can become sick.
The most efficient way of losing weight and burning fat is to constantly eat. By this I do not mean go eat 50 hamburgers a day and don't exercise and you will lost all the weight in the world. The metabolism needs to be constantly working for the body to burn excess fat. This can be done in several ways. You must intake food on a regular basis. Small meals with low fat content throughout the day will keep your metabolism running sufficiently to burn fat, without intaking unnecessary calories. Exercise also kicks off the metabolism to use energy and therefore burn excess fat.
Losing weight is quite simple really. Many people see it as such a daunting task and therefore make it more complicated than it needs to be. In essence it's a basic equation. Your body must burn more calories during the course of a day than it intakes. Eat low fat food in moderation and get plenty of exercise.

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